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  --version   Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

nom attachment¤


nom attachment [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

nom attachment download¤

Download an attachment with the given RID to the specified location on disk.


nom attachment download [OPTIONS]


  -r, --rid TEXT           [required]
  -o, --output TEXT        full path to write the attachment to (not just the
                           directory)  [required]
  --trust-store-path FILE  Path to a trust store CA root file to initiate SSL
                           connections.If not provided, defaults to certifi's
                           trust store.
  --base-url TEXT          Base URL of the Nominal API to hit. Useful for
                           hitting other clusters, e.g., staging for internal
                           users.  [default:]
  --token-path FILE        Path to the yaml file containing the Nominal access
                           token for authenticating with the API  [default:
  --token TEXT             API Access token to use when creating the nominal
                           client. If provided, takes precedence over --token-
                           path and --base-url
  --no-color               If provided, don't color terminal log output
  -v, --verbose            Verbosity to use within the CLI. Pass -v to allow
                           info-level logs, or -vv for debug-level.  [default:
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

nom attachment get¤

Get an attachment by its RID


nom attachment get [OPTIONS]


  -r, --rid TEXT           [required]
  --trust-store-path FILE  Path to a trust store CA root file to initiate SSL
                           connections.If not provided, defaults to certifi's
                           trust store.
  --base-url TEXT          Base URL of the Nominal API to hit. Useful for
                           hitting other clusters, e.g., staging for internal
                           users.  [default:]
  --token-path FILE        Path to the yaml file containing the Nominal access
                           token for authenticating with the API  [default:
  --token TEXT             API Access token to use when creating the nominal
                           client. If provided, takes precedence over --token-
                           path and --base-url
  --no-color               If provided, don't color terminal log output
  -v, --verbose            Verbosity to use within the CLI. Pass -v to allow
                           info-level logs, or -vv for debug-level.  [default:
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

nom attachment upload¤

Upload attachment from a local file with a given name and description and display the details of the newly created attachment to the user.


nom attachment upload [OPTIONS]


  -n, --name TEXT          [required]
  -f, --file TEXT          path to the file to upload  [required]
  -d, --description TEXT   description of the attachment
  --trust-store-path FILE  Path to a trust store CA root file to initiate SSL
                           connections.If not provided, defaults to certifi's
                           trust store.
  --base-url TEXT          Base URL of the Nominal API to hit. Useful for
                           hitting other clusters, e.g., staging for internal
                           users.  [default:]
  --token-path FILE        Path to the yaml file containing the Nominal access
                           token for authenticating with the API  [default:
  --token TEXT             API Access token to use when creating the nominal
                           client. If provided, takes precedence over --token-
                           path and --base-url
  --no-color               If provided, don't color terminal log output
  -v, --verbose            Verbosity to use within the CLI. Pass -v to allow
                           info-level logs, or -vv for debug-level.  [default:
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

nom auth¤


nom auth [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

nom auth set-token¤

Update the token for a given URL in the Nominal config file


nom auth set-token [OPTIONS]


  -u, --base-url TEXT  [default:]
  -t, --token TEXT     access token, can be found in /sandbox on your Nominal
                       instance  [required]
  --no-color           If provided, don't color terminal log output
  -v, --verbose        Verbosity to use within the CLI. Pass -v to allow info-
                       level logs, or -vv for debug-level.  [default: 0]
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

nom dataset¤


nom dataset [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

nom dataset get¤

Fetch a dataset by its RID


nom dataset get [OPTIONS]


  -r, --rid TEXT           [required]
  --trust-store-path FILE  Path to a trust store CA root file to initiate SSL
                           connections.If not provided, defaults to certifi's
                           trust store.
  --base-url TEXT          Base URL of the Nominal API to hit. Useful for
                           hitting other clusters, e.g., staging for internal
                           users.  [default:]
  --token-path FILE        Path to the yaml file containing the Nominal access
                           token for authenticating with the API  [default:
  --token TEXT             API Access token to use when creating the nominal
                           client. If provided, takes precedence over --token-
                           path and --base-url
  --no-color               If provided, don't color terminal log output
  -v, --verbose            Verbosity to use within the CLI. Pass -v to allow
                           info-level logs, or -vv for debug-level.  [default:
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

nom dataset summarize¤

Summarize the dataset(s) by their schema (column names, types, and RIDs)


nom dataset summarize [OPTIONS]


  -r, --rid TEXT                RID(s) of the dataset(s) to summarize
  --show-rids / --no-show-rids  If provided, show channel / dataset RIDs as
                                part of tabulated output  [default: no-show-
  -o, --output FILE             If provided, a path to write the output to as
                                a file
  -f, --format [csv|table]      Output data format to represent the data as
                                [default: table]
  --trust-store-path FILE       Path to a trust store CA root file to initiate
                                SSL connections.If not provided, defaults to
                                certifi's trust store.
  --base-url TEXT               Base URL of the Nominal API to hit. Useful for
                                hitting other clusters, e.g., staging for
                                internal users.  [default:
  --token-path FILE             Path to the yaml file containing the Nominal
                                access token for authenticating with the API
                                [default: /home/runner/.nominal.yml]
  --token TEXT                  API Access token to use when creating the
                                nominal client. If provided, takes precedence
                                over --token-path and --base-url
  --no-color                    If provided, don't color terminal log output
  -v, --verbose                 Verbosity to use within the CLI. Pass -v to
                                allow info-level logs, or -vv for debug-level.
                                [default: 0]
  -h, --help                    Show this message and exit.

nom dataset upload-csv¤

Upload a local CSV file to Nominal, create and ingest the data into a dataset, and print the details of the newly created dataset to the user.


nom dataset upload-csv [OPTIONS]


  -n, --name TEXT                 [required]
  -f, --file TEXT                 path to the CSV file to upload  [required]
  -t, --timestamp-column TEXT     the primary timestamp column name
  -T, --timestamp-type [iso_8601|epoch_days|epoch_hours|epoch_minutes|epoch_seconds|epoch_milliseconds|epoch_microseconds|epoch_nanoseconds]
                                  interpretation the primary timestamp column
  -d, --description TEXT          description of the dataset
  --channel-name-delimiter TEXT   the character used to delimit the hierarchy
                                  in the channel name  [default: .]
  --wait / --no-wait              wait until the upload is complete  [default:
  --trust-store-path FILE         Path to a trust store CA root file to
                                  initiate SSL connections.If not provided,
                                  defaults to certifi's trust store.
  --base-url TEXT                 Base URL of the Nominal API to hit. Useful
                                  for hitting other clusters, e.g., staging
                                  for internal users.  [default:
  --token-path FILE               Path to the yaml file containing the Nominal
                                  access token for authenticating with the API
                                  [default: /home/runner/.nominal.yml]
  --token TEXT                    API Access token to use when creating the
                                  nominal client. If provided, takes
                                  precedence over --token-path and --base-url
  --no-color                      If provided, don't color terminal log output
  -v, --verbose                   Verbosity to use within the CLI. Pass -v to
                                  allow info-level logs, or -vv for debug-
                                  level.  [default: 0]
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

nom run¤




  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

nom run create¤

Create a new run


nom run create [OPTIONS]


  -n, --name TEXT            [required]
  -s, --start TEXT           [required]
  -e, --end TEXT             [required]
  -d, --description TEXT     description of the run
  --property <TEXT TEXT>...
  --label TEXT
  --trust-store-path FILE    Path to a trust store CA root file to initiate
                             SSL connections.If not provided, defaults to
                             certifi's trust store.
  --base-url TEXT            Base URL of the Nominal API to hit. Useful for
                             hitting other clusters, e.g., staging for
                             internal users.  [default:
  --token-path FILE          Path to the yaml file containing the Nominal
                             access token for authenticating with the API
                             [default: /home/runner/.nominal.yml]
  --token TEXT               API Access token to use when creating the nominal
                             client. If provided, takes precedence over
                             --token-path and --base-url
  --no-color                 If provided, don't color terminal log output
  -v, --verbose              Verbosity to use within the CLI. Pass -v to allow
                             info-level logs, or -vv for debug-level.
                             [default: 0]
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

nom run get¤

Get a run by its RID


nom run get [OPTIONS]


  -r, --rid TEXT           [required]
  --trust-store-path FILE  Path to a trust store CA root file to initiate SSL
                           connections.If not provided, defaults to certifi's
                           trust store.
  --base-url TEXT          Base URL of the Nominal API to hit. Useful for
                           hitting other clusters, e.g., staging for internal
                           users.  [default:]
  --token-path FILE        Path to the yaml file containing the Nominal access
                           token for authenticating with the API  [default:
  --token TEXT             API Access token to use when creating the nominal
                           client. If provided, takes precedence over --token-
                           path and --base-url
  --no-color               If provided, don't color terminal log output
  -v, --verbose            Verbosity to use within the CLI. Pass -v to allow
                           info-level logs, or -vv for debug-level.  [default:
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.