
Developer workflows are run with just. You can use just -l to list commands, and view the justfile for the commands.

We use uv for packaging and developing. Add a depenency with uv add dep, or uv add --dev dep for a dev dependency.

We use ruff for formatting and imports, mypy for static typing, and pytest for testing.

To run all tests and checks: just verify. To include e2e tests (for Nominal developers): just verify-e2e.

As a rule, all tools should be configured via pyproject.toml, and should prefer configuration over parameters for project information. For example, uv run mypy should work without having to run uv run mypy nominal.

Tests are written with pytest. By default, pytest runs all the tests in tests/ except the end-to-end (e2e) tests in tests/e2e. To run e2e tests, pytest needs to be passed the e2e test directory with command-line arguments for connecting to the Nominal platform to test against. The e2e tests can be ran manually as:

uv run pytest tests/e2e --auth-token AUTH_TOKEN [--base-url BASE_URL]

or simply with just test-e2e <token>.